Mason County, Illinois ILGenWeb


History of Menard and Mason Counties, Illinois, 1879, by Miller and Ruggles
Quiver Township
Page 822

JOHN G. DEVERMANN, farmer and stock dealer, P. O. Topeka; son of John Deverman, of Hanover, Germany, who died about 1862. Mr. Deverman's mother's maiden name was Hurkamp; she was born in 1803 in Germany, and died May 8,1879, at Mr. Deverman's residence, in Quiver Township, where she had been living for sometime; she came to Illinois about 1863. Mr. Deverman was born Nov. 19, 1835, on a farm in Germany, and remained there until 22 years old, when he came to Illinois, settling in Havana for two months, and working for his brother-in law, at butchering; he next went to Matanzas, and engaged in farming for R. Havighorst, for one year, when he began farming, renting of George Beal for five years. He then, in 1864, married Anna Budke, of Germany, born in 1845; she came to Illinois, with her parents; in 1848, they were blessed with seven children:  Henry, Mary, Heoman, Willie, John, Lizzie and Katie (deceased). Mr. Deverman is now holding the office of Schoo l Director. He certainly felt decidedly the effects of poverty in his younger days; on his arrival in this country he had but $15; this talent he improved, until now he has a farm of 225 acres, finely improved, the reward of his energy.

Maintained by Mason County Coordinator Donna Mayer